Thursday, February 12, 2009

Lisa's younger brother is 25

A tip of the hat and Happy Birthday to Apple's Macintosh. 25 years old. 125k, I think. Wow they've come a long way. 

Have a read.

I had a couple of good friends who sold the Lisa's. I remember them being very expensive. I'd never be able to afford a computer, I thought.

Looking at the first mac again, makes me smile. I didn't own one (my first "real" computer was a PC Limited—I think that was an early Dell) but I was envious even then. I was falling in love. That PC Limited was my last PC. Mac was my future.

Now I am the proud owner of a MacBook Pro and a G4. I still drool every time a new upgrade in Apple technology occurs. I look forward to my current machinery wearing out so I can purchase the biggest, fastest machine on the block. Somehow the thousands of dollars of expense can be rationalized easily. Weird that.

Well, Happy 25, dear Macintosh. Happy Birthday to you. And many more.

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