Friday, February 20, 2009

One of My Top 10 Fears

Job interviews. Well, maybe not in the top ten, but up there. 

I really fear these. Truly. I look good on paper, I'm experienced, honest, intelligent and work hard. But the minute I get in the room with a hiring inquisitor I freeze. Freeze. Clothes don't fit, bad hair day, tongue swells, hands sweat, teeth chatter. The dentist chair looks good comparably speaking. 

I over think everything. What is a good color to wear? Perfume or no perfume? Business casual or Art Department Interesting? Jewelry? Make-up? A lot of this stuff I don't do normally. So in my mind I'm going in wearing a costume. Do Vermont employers look for different things than Connecticut employers?

I hear myself answering questions by rambling. I figure if I keep talking maybe I'll say something they want to hear. As I'm hearing the words my mind races. "What do they really want to know? Surely it can't be 'what kind of tree would you be?'" I was stumped in one of my interviews with "what do you mean by 'easy to get along with?'"

I'm the example of what NOT to do. I'm well studied in what I should do. I've borrowed, googled and purchased all the information I can find on job interviewing. Prepared for all contingencies. I know the questions before they are asked. I know what I should be wearing and what questions I shouldn't answer. When I should stop talking. But once I am in that room, the mind slate is wiped clean.

I should have paid attention in grade school during oral presentations. Give me a written test. Something I can research, take my time answering and editing.

"Greatest weakness?" No problem. Interviews.

Hmm, what do I think I'll be doing 5 years from now? Hopefully still working. 

Here's a good site for many hints on a successful interview and job hunting:

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Lisa's younger brother is 25

A tip of the hat and Happy Birthday to Apple's Macintosh. 25 years old. 125k, I think. Wow they've come a long way. 

Have a read.

I had a couple of good friends who sold the Lisa's. I remember them being very expensive. I'd never be able to afford a computer, I thought.

Looking at the first mac again, makes me smile. I didn't own one (my first "real" computer was a PC Limited—I think that was an early Dell) but I was envious even then. I was falling in love. That PC Limited was my last PC. Mac was my future.

Now I am the proud owner of a MacBook Pro and a G4. I still drool every time a new upgrade in Apple technology occurs. I look forward to my current machinery wearing out so I can purchase the biggest, fastest machine on the block. Somehow the thousands of dollars of expense can be rationalized easily. Weird that.

Well, Happy 25, dear Macintosh. Happy Birthday to you. And many more.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Free Is Good

I'm on the look-out for free opportunities to gain the education I need. Kirsten is right. Take advantage of the free classes/workshops in your area. 

But in my case, for some reason, there have been none of those opportunities on the I91 corridor in southern Vermont. Oh yes, there are Knitting, Bird Watching, Alaskan Arctic Exploration, Journaling, Abenacky Archaeology, India Exploration and MicroSoft Word offerings. In addition great information on Resources for Women and Making Ends Meet. Nothing yet to meet my particular job hunt needs.

I have found a couple of sites offering free- and somewhat free- tutorials in Dreamweaver CS3. Here are the sites for your reference:
There are related links on the bottom of the entry.

I've been following these along and have gotten a lot of useful information.

This is an awesome site and only some of the content is free. They are trying to sell their service. The site and tutorials a well reviewed and for someone like me, it's an affordable alternative to paying for college courses.

There are most likely similar sites for many other programs. Surprisingly, the best place to start is Search the program you are interested in learning. Many of these websites have tutorials posted there. They will also link you to their sites (and better resolution video).

Another source is the iTunes podcasts. I have found a couple of wonderful learning series there.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

First Friend's Advice

FROM: Kirsten Navin

Ok. here is some of what I've been doing.

My first recommendation is take advantage of anything free. For example my church hosted a job search workshop for it's members (more on this in a minute) but libraries and other public venues are all doing something, look in your local paper.

The workshop I attended I did so a little skeptically, I'm coming from a specialized field so what could they really offer me. I was hoping to get a tip or two. Happily I couldn't be more wrong. It was an all day event, most of the people were wall-streeters, cpas even a lawyer, however there was another woman in publishing so I at least made a connection. Making connections was the main theme of the seminar, and how to be prepared to sell yourself. The people who were running the session had all lost jobs before and all three are in some form of recruitment now, hearing their antidotes eased some anxiety. They did a resume critique and I offered mine. I thought I had a pretty good resume going in but now I'm very confident that it reflects who I am and where I want to go. One of the main points they made was that they felt I was underselling myself. And to focus on the unique things that I did to shine at my job rather than just list my responsibilities. The recruiters even offered to look over our resumes again after we re-worked them from the critique. I was most impressed with how much of their personal time they gave to help the group.

Here are a few tips:
1. Take advantage of free seminars and workshops - check your library!
2. Keep your connections updated, use professional based web-sites like LinkedIn.
3. Join or attend local networking groups
4. Have your resume in both PDF and Word formats.
5. use bullet points in your resume
6. Try to personalize cover letter.
7. Have an on-line portfolio. can be your own site or join one of the many groups like coroflot.
8. Don't use the oversize portfolio case with the big zipper - too 80's it's like showing up with big poofey hair and MC hammer pants. (which I did by the way - not the poofy hair but the oversize book)
9. Have business cards, or what some people are now using resume cards - name, contact info and a few lines on their experience, special skills or what they are looking to do.
10. Recruiters do have real jobs, but recruiters find people who are easy to find see #4. Recruiters are looking for ways to quickly screen people out so check spelling etc.
11. Get some web skills, Almost every job wants at least a little familiarity with web design.
12. Ask friends for advise or feedback. (I got great suggestions for my site and believe it's so much better with those few tweaks)
13. Be flexible and try to develop a thick skin.
14. Remember looking for a job is a job in its self.

That's where I am, still trying to accomplish many of these.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Where can we go? (to our friends of course)

Ok. Now we are all intelligent, talented, professionals, who are currently un- or kind of-employed. Each of us have our own unique situations. Each looking for many answers and some advice.

We've been doing a lot of research on our own. Yet, we wake up everyday wondering what to do. Oh, there is plenty to do, we know that, but in what order? We need a job now. We need insurance now. We need leads. We need contacts. We need to pay the bills (baskets of them). Additonally, some of us must also tend our children's and/or parent's needs. 

Are we going about this the most efficient way? Reading web articles, researching on-line and at the library, speaking with passerbys. Each article, book and person has a different approach to give. We are gathering job hunting knowledge and experience. 

We try to help each other individually, forwarding thoughts and some posted job ops. But I think we have a lot of power together. We are in the same field. We are watching it change. We've done that before...remember the computer revolution? Typewriters and mechanicals surrendered to the "new wave"?  We had to take a fresh approach, and figure out a way to morph (grow?) our current talents to the new situation.

Here's my thought (finally, right?): a place we can share experiences and new tidbits of information as we collect them. We can concentrate on our specific issues.

Answers to questions like:
--How do I approach this huge endeavor? Am I just looking for a specific position?
--I've polished my resumes but how do I repurpose it to try for other positions? 
--Do I need more education? Should I take the time and money to sign up for a class on web design? If so, do I concentrate on a program (Dreamweaver, Flash...) or code (XHTML, HTML, CAD)?
--How do I write a cover letter? Can it be modified easily?
--How do ask my friends for job referrals (to keep an eye out for me) in such a tough economy?
--Should I have 2-3 letters of reference available?
--How do I effectively use the internet? When does it become a waste of time?
--Portfolio website? Can I figure it out with little or no web training? Do I need one before I start?
--E-mail or snail mail? Is one better than the other?
--PDF resume or a MSWord resume attachment?
--Why am I gaining weight?
--Does prayer help?

There are tons of questions. 

We can post comments and links on this blog or send to them to me and I will post them.

This may be an time-saving way to get to the information without everyone spending hours digging for it. Are you interested in contributing (if I make it take almost no time and easy)?

Bookmark this site. I can make you all contributors. This means you just sign in and go to "New Blog", write or paste whatever into the box, hit "Publish Post". 3 steps.

What you think? I'll start doing some posting. If you want to join, let me know.